What Next After Studying
Broadcasting & Film?

Broadcasting and film studies offer a dynamic and creative foundation if you are passionate about storytelling, media production, and the arts. The skills gained in these fields are versatile and can lead to a wide array of career opportunities. From working in television and radio to film production and digital media, you can pursue careers in various industries such as advertising, journalism, entertainment, and more. The hands-on experience gained through internships and projects also provides valuable networking opportunities within the industry.

Here are some exciting pathways you can explore after completing your studies in broadcasting and film.

selective photo of camera with tripod and laptop computer turned on
man in white dress shirt holding black camera
man in black shirt wearing black goggles
man in red crew neck t-shirt holding black dslr camera

Film and Television Production

One of the most direct pathways after completing a broadcasting and film degree is entering the film and television industry. Roles in this field include:

  • Director: You will oversee the creative aspects of a film or TV show, and work closely with producers and other key personnel to ensure the project stays on track and meets the artistic vision. Directors also collaborate with actors to bring characters to life and communicate the story effectively.
  • Producer: You will manage the production process, from financing to distribution. You will also be responsible for securing funding, hiring crew members, and making sure the project stays within budget.
  • Screenwriter: You will be crafting scripts for films, television shows, and web series. As a screenwriter, you will work closely with directors and producers to develop the story and characters, ensuring that the vision is translated effectively onto the screen.
  • Cinematographer: You will handle the visual aspects, including camera work and lighting, and collaborate closely with directors to capture the desired mood and tone of a scene through expertise.
  • Editor: You will be piecing together footage to create a coherent and compelling final product. You will also play a crucial role in shaping the narrative flow of a film or television show.

Digital Media and Content Creation

The rise of digital platforms has created a demand for content creators who can produce engaging videos, podcasts, and multimedia content. Careers in this sector include:

  • YouTuber/Vlogger: You will create and manage your own channel on platforms like YouTube. This involves producing, editing, and uploading videos on a regular basis to engage with your audience and build a following. Many successful YouTubers also collaborate with other creators and utilise social media to promote their content.
  • Podcaster: You will produce audio content on various topics, from storytelling to interviews. Podcasters often use platforms like Spotify or Apple Podcasts to reach a wider audience and can monetise their content through sponsorships or listener donations. Podcasting also allows for a more intimate connection with listeners as they can tune in while on the go or during their daily routines.
  • Social Media Manager: You will be crafting video content for brands to engage with their audience on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. You will also analyse data and metrics to track the success of your campaigns and make adjustments accordingly. You will play a crucial role in building brand awareness and driving traffic to websites or online stores.

Broadcast Journalism

If you are interested in news and current affairs, broadcast journalism offers a chance to inform and engage the public. Career options include:

  • News Anchor: You will be presenting news stories on television, and will be responsible for reporting on current events, conducting interviews, and delivering information to viewers in a clear and engaging manner.
  • Reporter: You will be investigating and reporting on news events. You will play a crucial role in keeping the public informed and up-to-date on local, national, and international news.
  • Radio Host: You will be hosting shows on various topics, from news to entertainment, on radio stations. You will engage with listeners, conduct interviews, and keep the audience entertained. As a radio host, you must have excellent communication skills and be able to think on your feet to keep the show running smoothly.
  • Documentary Filmmaker: You will create in-depth documentaries that explore various subjects, and use your storytelling skills to educate and inspire audiences through visual media.

Advertising and Marketing

The skills learned in broadcasting and film are highly valued in advertising and marketing. Roles in this field include:

  • Creative Director: You will lead the creative vision for advertising campaigns, and will be responsible for overseeing the development of all creative assets and ensuring they align with the brand's overall strategy and messaging.
  • Video Producer: You will be creating commercials and promotional videos, manage production schedules, budgets, and coordinate with talent and crew to ensure the successful execution of video projects.
  • Content Strategist: You will be developing multimedia content strategies for brands. This includes planning and creating engaging content for websites, social media, and other digital platforms.
  • Media Planner: You will be planning and purchasing media space for advertisements, negotiating with media vendors to secure the best rates and placements for ads, and monitoring campaign performance and making adjustments to maximise ROI.

Education and Training

Sharing your knowledge and passion with others can be incredibly rewarding. Career paths in this area include:

  • Film/Media Studies Teacher: Teaching at high schools, colleges, or universities.
  • Workshop Facilitator: Conducting workshops on various aspects of film and media production.
  • Corporate Trainer: Providing training in media production for businesses.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship

For those who prefer flexibility and independence, freelancing and starting your own business can be a fulfilling option. Opportunities include:

  • Freelance Videographer/Photographer: Offering services for events, businesses, and personal projects.
  • Independent Filmmaker: Producing and distributing your own films.
  • Media Consultant: Advising businesses and individuals on media strategies and production.

Emerging Technologies

The integration of technology in media has opened new avenues. Careers in this innovative field include:

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Producer: Creating immersive VR experiences.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Developer: Developing AR applications for various industries.
  • Interactive Media Designer: Designing interactive content for websites, apps, and installations.

The broadcasting and film industries offer diverse and exciting career opportunities. Whether you dream of directing a blockbuster movie, reporting breaking news, or creating viral videos, the skills you acquire in broadcasting and film studies can pave the way for a fulfilling and dynamic career. The key is to stay curious, continually learn, and be open to exploring different paths as the media landscape evolves.

man in black shirt sitting on black chair
black dslr camera taking photo of city lights